Finding the skeletons in the closet of popular culture.

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A Phone & A Video Game Console Hybrid: What Happened To The Nokia N-Gage?

What began as an ambitious idea and potentially groundbreaking concept ended up producing a rare commercial flop for the world’s market leader in mobile phones.

Forgotten Ads: Apple’s First-Ever iPod Commercial

Dibs to you if you remember iPod adverts before the dancing silhouettes… If I asked you to recall how Apple used to advertise the iPod, you would tell me about black silhouettes dancing exuberantly against coloured backgrounds with their earphones in and an iPod in their hand, all while an indie-rock song played over the…

When TV Theme Songs Become Mainstream Chart Hits, Part 1

Eventually, you find yourself listening to the radio and hearing a familiar song or instrumental piece you would typically associate with playing over moving images. This is when the TV theme song indeed enters the mainstream by selling enough copies to earn a place on the mainstream music charts. Even though the tune’s original context…

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